Preserving the Past...
Preparing for the Future The RFPL Foundation helps ensure the on-going vitality of the River Forest Public Library. Without additional funds beyond property taxes, it is challenging for our excellent RFPL staff to deliver high quality Library services and maintain our beautiful historic building in the face of ever-increasing costs. We are fortunate to have an excellent Library. More than 75% of River Forest residents hold RFPL library cards and many more people utilize its services. The Library receives less than $0.02 of every property tax dollar—operating on a significantly smaller budget than comparable libraries in our area.
You may honor a loved one, library lover, or community member with a tribute gift recognizing their impact on your life. For a more permanent honorary, consider a personalized bronze plaque located in the Anne T. Smedinghoff Memorial Garden.
Give online via PayPal or by check payable to RFPL Foundation. For more information, please visit our Donate page, or email [email protected]. Your gift will help preserve our historic building and continue our services and programs while preparing for future needs. By giving, you help ensure a vibrant Library at the heart of our community for years to come. Generous gifts to the RFPL Foundation have enabled the Library to: